Complacency: The Silent Killer

Complacency: “–a feeling of calm or smug satisfaction with your abilities or situation that prevents you from trying harder. –self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies, an instance of usually unaware or uninformed self-satisfaction.” It’s a false belief that you’re doing the right things to advance or improve/maintain your life when you’re really not. It’s a hostility to criticism, self-awareness, soul-searching and the “near…

Naughty and Nice: Why are We Still Shaming Women for Being Sexy

The halftime show at Sunday’s superbowl, featuring empowered Latina artists Shakira and Jennifer Lopez has garnered some pretty harsh criticism over the past 12 hours, and I’m here going “WHY?” Okay folks, (ladies, gentlemen, non-binaries…i.e. ALL YA’LL) I have a question for you. Why are we still shaming women for being sexy? Why is this…

Imbolc & The Rites of Women: The Midwinter Festival of Lights — Gather Victoria

Across the world, for thousands of years, our ancestors celebrated the turn of the seasons through sacred feasts and plenty of magic. Marking the astrological alignments of the sun and moon, theses activities had one central purpose – to harmonize human activity with the great cycles and forces of nature, thereby ensuring fertility, abundance and […]…

Recipes for a Feast of Light: Reviving the Magical Foods of Imbolc — Gather Victoria I love the ancient feast days that once celebrated the turn of the “wheel of the year”. Marking celestial alignments such as solstices, equinoxes and cross-quarter days, these “holy days “are the origin of most of our modern holidays. And no matter what ancestral culture you descend from, it’s a pretty safe bet that…

Juicy Litha

Isn’t this just the juiciest time of year? 🍑🍒🥭🍓 Happy midsummer! Blessed Litha and merry solstice. 🔥🌞🌹🌼 As I stand in this place of balance and equality, I release all fear, resistance and hesitation. I soak in the power of the sun on this longest day, and call upon those who represent the power of light and fire…


I just hung our feeder with homemade syrup and we had visitors straight away! 😍🐦 Hummingbird as a spirit animal (one of mine!) brings a message of joy. As the only bird who can move backward, forward and stop straight in its tracks, they teach us about seeing the past and the future from the present…

The Aura And The 15-Dimensional Time Matrix

Originally posted on Unveil The Love Within:
There are 7 embodied chakras that are within the human body. And 8 morphogenetic chakras that surround the body. Together it is 15 chakras within this construct called the Time Matrix. Many psychics that are into energy healing work only know about 7 chakras, or 8, or 12.…

Cooking from World of Warcraft: Holiday Spice Blends

Greetings, friends! In the spirit of the coming season (which we’ve been waiting for to bring out new recipes from the World of Warcraft Cookbook by Chelsea Monroe-Cassel), we are preparing for the Pilgrim’s Bounty Feast aka Thanksgiving next week. I’m getting a head start by preparing my spices and herb blends in advance; because it’s…

Friday, October 13th/ Jupiter in Scorpio

Happy Friday the 13th!   Today is a very sacred, super-lucky, goddess-centric kind of day because Friday is the Love Goddess’ day. The English word, Friday, comes from the Norse ‘Freya’s Day’ …and Freya, of course, is the Norse counterpart of Venus / Aphrodite, the Greco-Roman goddess of love and sex and beauty. Freya is…